Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources

Article 0103 - Homosexuality

What Is Homosexuality?

Jon Gary Williams

Homosexuality involves the sexual relation between people of the same gender and is a practice contrary to human nature. It is a behavior that is anti-social and for centuries it has been labeled by all cultures as "a sin against nature." While the physical, sexual union between male and female is physically natural, sexual contact between people of the same gender is physically unnatural.

There Are Two Kinds Of Homosexual Practice

(a generic term) - the sexual relation between men

(From the Greek lesbos - a group of women so identified on the Greek island of Lesbos) - the sexual relation between women

In either case, homosexuality is a perverse departure from the natural, sexual relation established in the beginning for man and woman.

Why Do Some People Become Homosexual?

Are some people destined from birth to be homosexual? This is what is being promoted by defenders of homosexuality. All sorts of claims are offered to support this idea. In recent times, some have tried to link homosexual disposition to man's genetic makeup. This is flawed reasoning, for scientific evidence offers support to the contrary. The famous Kinsey report still holds true which says homosexuality is a "learned behavior."

Why, then, do some people become homosexual? Simply put, it is a symptom of mankind's overall fallen state. It is no different from other sinful practices: heterosexual perversion, kleptomania (stealing); pyromania (obsession with fire); sadism (inflicting pain); masochism (receiving pain). Would it ever be claimed that people are born with a proclivity to these things as well?

The inclination toward the practice of homosexuality most often begins not at birth, but in youth. There is no doubt that
a child's sexual path can be adversely affected before adolescence. This happens when a child is approached by an older homosexual. Being contacted by an older friend or relative, a young child can be coerced into premature sexual experiences. If this is repeated, a child may psychologically begin to see this as normal. After all, this is his/her first exposure to a sexual encounter. So, a child may be slowly conditioned and a "learned behavior" develops.

Many homosexuals have been asked when they first questioned their own sexuality. Invariably the response is something like, "When I was very young." They did not "discover" they were homosexual as adults. Rather, it was in their preadolescent youth, when their sexuality had not yet been defined, that they were susceptible to being approached by an older homosexual.

A well-known homosexual preacher in California wrote his autobiography in which he explained how he began his homosexual practice. In graphic terms he told of his first homosexual encounter. At the age of eleven he was approached by a twenty-three year old uncle. He described that first experience as shocking, but his uncle told him this reaction was only natural and he would begin to enjoy it. After a few such encounters he said it came to be exciting. Though he did not realize it, his own preadolescent experience confirmed what is true of almost all other homosexuals. Yes, this practice usually begins in youth and is a learned behavior.

Someone might say, "I decided I was homosexual later on." This may be true since an adult may indeed choose a homosexual experience. However, there had to first be an exposure to this practice, even if it occurred in adulthood. Apart from having a homosexual encounter no one merely discovers such a lifestyle.

Parents need to warn their children to beware of anyone who takes an interest in them in any way that makes them feel uncomfortable. There are thousands of homosexual pedophiles who can only fulfill their illicit, sexual lusts through children. The extent of sexual assault upon children by such people is staggering! Many magazines and videos are devoted to child pornography and the internet is flooded with this ungodly influence.

How Should Christians View The Issue Of Homosexuality?

There are three categories of homosexuals:

1) Those who are assertive
These are those who tend to be aggressive and are not likely to be changed. They are the ones who flaunt their homosexual lifestyle. Their militant approach is often crude and vulgar.

2) Those who are passive
These are the homosexuals who never seriously look at the error of their lifestyle. They are not outwardly vocal and extreme, but rather are simply passive and may possibly be open to discussion.

3) Those who seek help

These are the ones who are concerned about their condition and if honest, and if approached in right way, may begin looking at the other side. No doubt, there are many like this who are uncomfortable with their lives and have a sense of guilt and shame. They realize they are living in sin and desire release from the lifestyle. These people can be helped. They need compassion and understanding. They need to be encouraged to see homosexuality for what it is and that there is a way out. This is where the Christian can be of help.

We should have no animosity or ill will toward those who identify themselves as homosexuals. Rather, we should have concern for them because they are caught up in what the scriptures call a sinful practice. They are created in God's image and like all others, God extends His love to them - - their precious souls need saving.