What does Truth mean to you?
Nine denominations all believe something different, their beliefs are mutually exclusive. No consistency in teaching on salvation, how to worship, the leadership of the church, or living the Christian life; each denomination excludes the other. If on the other hand, each taught the same things, then what would be the purpose of the nine. Of course everyone believes they are right in their own eyes. Truth is the only unifier. If all men would abandon their beliefs and go to the only, the only, the only source of Spiritual Truth, The Bible, then we would all look like The Bible Church, The New Testament Church, The Church that JESUS promised to build, The one and only Church you will find in The Bible. Whats your decision?
Lesson 7 summary
-JESUS purchased The Church, it belongs to HIM
-All have sinned
-Belief is necessary to please GOD
-Belief alone will not save, John 12:42,43; John 1:12
-If one is not willing to repent of sinful activities, he cannot be
saved. Acts 17:30
-Confessing CHRIST before men is required, to be saved,
Mark 8:38; Romans 10:9,10; Acts 8:36, 37
-Where are all Spiritual blessings found? In CHRIST
Ephesians 1:3
-How do we get into CHRIST? Baptism. Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3,4; Do you want to be in CHRIST? How are you going to get there?
-Does The Bible say that baptism saves us? Yes it does!
1 Peter 3:21; Acts 22:16; Acts 2:38
-There is no sinners prayer found anywhere in The New
Testament. The sinners prayer doctrine is a lie and has sent
many people, unprepared to meet GOD.
If i can be helpful in any way, please contact me.
The Churches of CHRIST salute you
In Christian love,