Destruction comes to those who lack Bible knowledge, Hosea 4:6. Did you know that we are disapproved in GOD's sight if we do not study (diligent, intent searching and reading) HIS word, 2 Timothy 2:15. Love includes allowing others to make their own decisions. GOD allows us to decide if we will be lazy and not study HIS divine message, which positions us to remain in ignorance of HIS Holy Will. GOD also allows us to decide to obey HIM and be Bible students, where we learn how to please HIM and be HIS children, where we also learn how to be Holy and Righteous and Saved from our sins. Whats your decision?
Well, this is the last lesson, my hope and prayer is that it has been studied in light of, 'what does The Bible say'. If i can be of any assistance please let me know,
Main points from lesson 6
-JESUS promised to build HIS Church in the life time of those standing in HIS presence.
-GOD always keeps HIS promises.
-The Church had its beginning (was built) in Acts 2, on the day of Pentecost, in the first century.
-The Church is the people.
-JESUS promised to build one Church.
-Denominationalism is confusing because all the beliefs are different and cannot be found in The Bible.
-To be the Church (which is the people), today, we must go back to the New Testament and do what they did, and we will simply be New Testament Christians, not denomination X, Y, or Z.
-New Testament Worship includes (for each first day of the week):
-Singing (Ephesians 5:19) no authority for instruments
-The LORD's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:20-26, 1 Corinthians
10:16,17; Acts 20:7)
-Praying (1 Timothy 2:1,2,8)
-Preaching (Acts 20:7)
-Giving (1 Corinthians 16:1,2)
-The New Testament Church had special servants:
Elders - Maked sure only Bible is taught among The Church, accurately and in its purity.
Deacons - Work to serve in needs; feeding the hungry, caring for widows, etc.
What about Salvation?
Lesson 7
Nothing is more important in life than our
personal salvation from sin!
As a follow-up to our previous lesson on the church, how important is the church in God's plan for mankind?
1. Acts 20:28 -- Did Jesus purchase the church with His own blood? Y N �
2. Ephesians 5:23 -- If (1) Jesus is the Savior of the body, and (2) the body is the church, then that means He is the Savior of ____________. �God Wants Us to Be Saved. �
3. Romans 3:23,24 -- Have all people sinned and �
thus stand in need of God's salvation? Y N
Does God's grace make our redemption/ salvation possible? Y N
Is it possible for you and me to earn or deserve salvation from God? Does He owe us? Y N
By His grace, where did God arrange for redemption to be available? ______________
4. Isaiah 59:1,2 -- What does sin do to a person's relationship with God? __________________ �
5. Romans 5:8-11 -- Through what can sinners be reconciled to God? _____________________ �
6. Romans 6:23 -- Should we think of eternal life/salvation as a gift from God? Y N �Joshua 6:1-5 -- God gave the city of _______ to the Israelites. Was that city a conditional or unconditional gift from God? ____________ �If I Want to Be Saved �
7. Matthew 7:21-23 -- All who call Jesus "Lord" �shall enter the kingdom of heaven. T F �According to Jesus, who will enter the kingdom of heaven? ____________________________ �
8. Hebrews 11:6 -- If I am going to please God, do I need to believe in Him and His promise to bless those who diligently seek Him? Y N �
9. John 3:16-18 -- If a person wants to have eternal life, is it necessary for him to believe in Jesus as God's Son? Y N
John 8:51 -- Jesus also said that the person who will have eternal life (never die) is one who does what? _______________________
If the Bible says that believers will have eternal life and at the same time says that those who keep Jesus' word will have eternal life, then what should we conclude about the kind of faith that causes a person to be saved?
10. Hebrews 5:8,9 -- To which people is Jesus the author/provider of eternal salvation? ____
11. John 12:42,43 -- Many Jewish rulers believed
in Jesus, but would not do what?
Mark 8:38 -- If we are too ashamed of Jesus to confess Him, what should we expect from Him? _______________________________
Romans 10:9,10 -- If we want to be saved, do we need to confess our faith in Jesus? Y N
12. Acts 17:30 -- How many people does God command to repent? __________________
What kind of person needs to repent? ______ ____________________________________
13. 2 Peter 3:9 -- What is God's motive in wanting people to repent? _______________
14. 2 Corinthians 7:10 -- Are godly sorrow and repentance the same thing? Y N
Note the order: (1) godly sorrow produces (2) repentance leading to (3) salvation. Without
godly sorrow, there is no repentance; and without repentance, there is no salvation.
To "repent" means for a person to change his mind about sin, then demonstrate that change by a change of behavior -- ceasing to sin.
15. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 -- Can people be forgiven of really horrible sins? Y N
What about Water Baptism?
16. Some Bible believers support one of the statements below; others accept the other one.
a. He who believes is saved, and after that he can be baptized.
b. He who believes and is baptized will be saved.
What is the difference in these 2 statements? In "a," salvation comes before baptism; per "b," salvation comes after baptism. Can both be correct? If one is correct, which is it? ____
17. Mark 16:16 -- Jesus said that a certain kind of person will be saved. He said, "He . . . will be saved." Which "he" will be saved? Is it the one who believes and is baptized? Y N
In the statement, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved," what does the word "and" mean? ________________________
Let's go back to the previous question (#16). Which statement is correct, a or b? ___ Why is that one right? ________________________
18. Acts 2:36,37 -- What response did some have when they learned that the one whom they had killed is Lord and the Christ? _____________
19. Acts 2:38 -- Did the apostle Peter tell those
lost people to pray to Jesus? Y N
What did Peter command them to do in order to have their sins remitted? ______________
According to what Peter told them, what was the purpose of baptism? ________________
If their baptism was for the purpose of having their sins remitted/forgiven, before they were baptized were they saved or lost? _________
20. Acts 22:16 -- What was Saul told was the purpose for being baptized? _____________
If Saul was told that he needed to be baptized to wash away his sins, was he saved already before he was baptized? Y N
According to the Bible, what is the purpose of water baptism? _____________________
If I thought I was saved by praying to the Lord and asking Him to forgive me, then I later was baptized (thinking in my heart that I already was saved), was my baptism in harmony with the Bible's teaching? Y N
Why? _______________________________
21. Acts 8:35-39 -- In baptism, there is a going down into and coming up out of __________.
The Greek word from which we get our word "baptism" is "baptisma," which means "immersion, submersion" [Joseph H. Thayer, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, word no. 908 via e-Sword].
Does either sprinkling or pouring water on someone harmonize with this meaning? Y N
Serving Jesus Requires Commitment. 22. Luke 9:23 -- If I am going to follow Jesus,
what are two of the things that I must do? _____________________________________
23. Luke 14:28-33 -- If I want to follow Jesus, do I need to be ready to forsake all? Y N
24. Matthew 6:33 -- If I become Jesus' disciple, when it comes to my priorities, where do God and His Cause need to be ranked? _________
25. Acts 2:41,38 -- If I decide to be baptized, what should be my motive(s) for doing that?
a. I want to please the Lord.�b. I want to make other people happy.�c. I want to have my past sins forgiven. d. I want to get rid of all of my problems.
All Bible quotations are taken from the New King James Version; ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
These materials were prepared by Roger D. Campbell. Permission is granted to reproduce and share them, but please do not sell them. (originally in tract form)