Subjective Truth is where each individuals beliefs of what is truth, is their truth. If each individuals differing beliefs equal truth, then which of the infinite number of those beliefs, could stand the scrutiny, Truth must endure. By definition, infinite differing beliefs of truth, is inconsistent, contradictory, confusing, and therefore false. Subjective truth is based on family beliefs, personal opinion, and majority ideas. Subjective truth is impossible, and is therefore a false concept.
The Bible, on the other hand, is Objective Truth.
The Bible stands the tests of:
-Being consistent (no contradictions) in teaching and values
(man could not do this).
-Moral laws that transcend time, national boundaries, and cultures
(man did not do this).
-Giving a moral law that exceeds mans wishes or interest
(man would not do this).
-If man could not and would not produce a consistent moral law, then GOD did!
-GOD is the author of Objective Truth!
I encourage you to respectfully and sincerely scrutinize The Bible. If you honestly make this your pursuit, you will find that The Bible shines as The Beacon of Truth, and is therefore your only guide.
Main points of the previous lesson 1 study:
-Evidence from nature that GOD does exist.
-Encouraging the logical argument, because of these things, one must concede that The CREATOR does exist!
-Defining qualities of GOD's nature: HE is benevolent, A SPIRIT, Everlasting, Righteous, Holy, Infinite in understanding, HE is The Only GOD (GODHEAD), HE is unchanging, HE is no respecter of persons, GOD is Love (The epitome of Love).
-How GOD shows HIS Love: HE gives the sunshine and rain. HE gave us The Bible, so that we might be Holy. HE gave JESUS in spite of our wickedness. So, that we might have salvation, by our choosing to repent of rebellion and sinfulness.
-We are made in GOD's image
-Our purpose in life is to fear GOD and keep HIS commandments
-There is coming a day, when we will answer for our sinful behavior in life.
-GOD knows all things
If you have any questions please allow us to sit down with you and discuss 'The Bible'. If you prefer, email us if you have questions -
2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
lesson 2
What about the Bible?
All Bible quotations are taken from the New King James Version; ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
These materials were prepared by Roger D. Campbell. Permission is granted to reproduce and share them, but please do not sell them. (this was in tract form)
Use and share this material with someone in need of The Truth.
What about the Bible?
Lesson 2
In this lesson:
A book about God and man
The Bible's harmony with science
The Bible's harmony with history
The Bible's fulfilled prophecy
The Bible's united message
The Bible -- a Book about God and Man
Psalm 119:105 -- Why did God give us His
word, the Bible? ______________________
1 Timothy 2:3,4 -- How many people does God want to be saved? _____________
1 Timothy 1:15 -- Jesus came into the world to do what? _________________________
2 Timothy 3:16 -- To say that all Scripture is given "by the inspiration of God" means that its message came from the mind of ______.
The Bible's Harmony with True Science
The Bible is not a science textbook, yet what it says about scientific matters is accurate in every case. In fact, the Bible records scientific truths that were not "discovered" by men of science until hundreds or thousands of years after they were mentioned in the Bible. When the Bible's message about science predates man's findings, we call it "scientific foreknowledge."
Genesis 1:11,12,21,24 -- Living things produce after ______________________.
Leviticus 12:1-3 -- In Israel, circumcision was to be done on the _____ day. We now know that on that day, the blood clotting element known as prothrombin (produced by vitamin K) is at its peak level -- this makes it the best time for circumcision, as the blood clots better on that day to stop the bleeding caused by the procedure.
Leviticus 13:44-46 -- Were those Israelites who were diagnosed with leprosy to be quarantined outside the camp? Y N
Leviticus 17:10,11 -- Does the Bible say that life is in the blood? Y N
As recently as about 200 years ago, some people still were practicing "blood-letting."
9. Psalm 8:8 -- The Bible says that fish pass through the _________ of the sea. This was written about 1000 B.C., but it was not until the 19th century A.D. that Matthew F. Murray "discovered" those paths, which modern-day ships still use in navigation.
10. Ecclesiastes 1:7 -- Does this verse describe what we now call "the water cycle?" Y N
This truth was written before B.C. 900, but it was not "discovered" until the 16th-17th centuries A.D. Consider: When running at an average rate, each second the Mississippi River dumps several million gallons of water into the Gulf of Mexico. Where does it all go?!
The writers of the Bible, who were not scientists, wrote accurate information about scientific matters "before their time." Which explanation best fits how the Bible's writers were able to record such scientific truths?
a. They got lucky.
b. They all were trained in the best universities by scientific geniuses.
c. God, who knows everything about everything, revealed the info to them.
The Bible's Accuracy in Other Areas
If the Bible really is the word of God, we would expect it to be in complete harmony with history and archaeological discoveries, and it is!
11. Matthew 12:41 -- The people of __________ repented when Jonah preached to them.
For a long time, many people scoffed at the idea that such a city actually existed, saying that the Bible was mistaken. In fact, it was the capital city of the ancient Assyrian Empire. In about A.D. 1850, Henry Layard discovered the library of an ancient king who ruled in Nineveh -- Nineveh was a real place.
12. Exodus 3:7,8 -- Did God tell Moses that He would bring His people (Israel) to the land where Hittites lived? Y N
Hittites are mentioned in about 40 verses in the Bible, but for centuries critics of the Bible claimed that there never were such people and the Bible must be wrong. In 1906, Hugo Winckler went to central Turkey and discovered the ancient Empire of the Hittites. It turns out the Bible was accurate after all. No surprise there! The harmony between the Bible's historical record and the recognized facts of secular history is no accident.
The Bible's Fulfilled Prophecy
13. Isaiah 7:14 (about B.C. 700) -- What
specifics about a birth did Isaiah foretell? a. Type of female -- _________________ b. Gender of her child -- ______________ c. Name of the child -- _______________
14. Matthew 1:18-25 -- Was Isaiah's prophecy fulfilled when Jesus was born? Y N
15. Isaiah 13:19-21 -- Did Isaiah predict that ancient Babylon would be overthrown and not be inhabited? Y N
Was the mighty Babylonian Empire destroyed in about B.C. 538, and is the city of Babylon uninhabited to this day? Y N
Here is the point of these facts about Bible prophecy: there is no way that Isaiah and other Bible writers, by their own power or knowledge, could make these accurate predictions in which they named specific events, people, and places. Their knowledge of such matters must have come from God. Why? Because only He can predict the future with 100% accuracy. Fulfilled prophecy proves that the Bible is God's word.
The Bible's United Message
Over a period of 1500-1600 years, God used about 35-40 men to write the 66 books of the Bible. When we consider the diversity of these writers -- they lived on the earth at different times, were from different backgrounds, different places, different cultures, had different occupations, and in many instances did not know one another personally, it is amazing that the message which they penned has no contradictions and shows perfect harmony. What if we asked 40 people of our time from the same state of our nation to answer hundreds of questions about its culture and history? Would we get complete agreement from them? Surely not. The Bible's united message shows that it came from one mind -- God's.
Some General Truths about the Bible
In general, the Bible's message centers around these topics:
- Who is God? Answer: He is the Creator- Savior-Judge of mankind.
- What has God done for humans? Answer: He made this world for us, sent Jesus to die for us, and prepared an eternal heaven.
- What does God expect us to do? Answer: Serve Him out of reverence and love. If He created us and provides for us, is it appropriate for us to do that? Y N
The Bible's two main portions are the Old Testament and New Testament. We do not read about Jesus' birth until Matthew chapter one, so everything that is recorded in the Old Testament took place __________________.
19. Why is so much said in the Old Testament about the nation of Israel, whose people later were known as the Jews? Answer: Because when Jesus the Savior lived on the earth, He was a Jew; that is, He came from the nation of Israel. The Old Testament gives us the background of the Jewish nation, which helps us understand what we read about Jesus' life and role in the New Testament.
Matthew 22:31,32 -- God described Himself as the God of the three men whom the Jews counted as their forefathers. Those 3 were:
God changed Jacob's name to "Israel" -- so, originally "Israel" was the name of one man. Later, Jacob's/Israel's descendants became known as Israelites or Jews. Again, who are the Jews? The offspring of Jacob.
20. Simply put, the theme of the Bible is "The Christ is coming." Old Testament prophets foretold that He would come into the world. In the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), we read that the Christ already came to live as a human -- that was Jesus. The New Testament also tells us that the Christ will come again. He came the first time to be man's Savior. When He comes again, He will be our Judge.