Sunday School
By Dan C. Bailey
Sunday Schools were founded by Robert Raikes in Gloucester, England in 1780. The purpose of "Sunday School" was to teach and train children in the word of God. There were many children who were poor and illiterate. It was important then, and it is important today, for children to be educated in the Bible. We live in a world of temptation, sin, and difficulty. Our Sunday morning Bible classes accomplish great things for God. We need to thank all of our teachers for their diligent study and hard work. The church will not be any stronger than its Sunday School or Bible School program. How many parents fail to bring their children to the Bible classes on Sunday? What could bless the world more than the teaching of the word of God?
However, we should also note that we have adult Bible School classes on Sunday morning as well. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should we have classes for the children and cancel classes for the adults? I think not! Yet, many do not avail themselves of the knowledge and faith that can be derived from a study of God's word. We have been studying the book of Acts since January 1st, 2012. The book of Acts was written by the physician, Luke. He was a companion of the apostles and has given us two wonderful books of the New Testament, Acts and the book of Luke. Luke was guided by the Holy Spirit, so that we have an accurate account of the establishment of the church, its early growth, God's plan of salvation, a host of examples of conversion, and a record of the power of the gospel and Christian living. Have you attended these classes? Is your knowledge of God and His word so great that you could not be benefited greatly by a study of God's word? If you have not been attending the "Sunday School," just remember that he children are not the only ones who need to study God's Holy Word!
2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Psalm 119:97 "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day."
Psalm 119:140 "Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it."
Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
James 4:17 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."