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State Street Church of Christ (Bristol, VA)

Warnings Against Error

Warnings Against Error

By Roy J. Hearn (deceased)

The church in Colosse was troubled by "philosophers" who espoused theosophy, Gnosticism, mysticism, and Judaism. Subtlely they taught that Christ and the gospel were imperfect and insufficient, and that they must be supplemented with visions and the mediation of angels; that the law of Moses must be observed, at least in part; that life in general must be regulated according to human tradition; and that redemption was not a work of Christ alone, but also of angels. Many such doctrines are held today, and a church not properly indoctrinated is liable to be "tossed about with every kind of doctrine," led into error and lost for eternity.

A careful study of the Colosse letter reveals a power-packed epistle against all forms of error, by which warning is given to the church in all ages to come(~Colossians 2:8-12~; ~Colossians 2:16-23~).


Our Lord launched his public ministry with warning against false teachers (~Matthew 7:15~). Nearly every book in the Bible warns against error, seeking to preserve the purity of the Lord's people. This is significant, and should be a warning to everyone, lest he should take liberties with God's word, and violate it be addition, subtraction, or substitution, all of which are forbidden (~Deuteronomy 4:2~; ~Leviticus 10:1-2~; ~Galatians 1:6-9~), and which draw the supreme penalty (~Revelation 22:18-19~).

The word "spoil" (~Colossians 2:8~) means "to carry off booty" and suggests "to carry one off as captive (and slave); to lead away from the truth and subject to one's way" (Greek word Sulagogeo, Thayer's Greek Lexicon). The New Testament is the revealed will of God; it is truth; therefore, any variation from it is to be led from the truth and "spoiled." The ones most likely to lead souls astray are they who pose as good men - - as "angels of light," but are actually servants of Satan (~2 Corinthians 11:13-15~). No teacher should be accepted because of outward appearance, but should be tried by the word of God (~1 John 4:1,6~). "Truth plus error equals error," regardless of who propagates such. Only the truth can make free (~John 8:32~); hence, every effort possible to avoid error and keep the church pure should be made.


1. "Philosophy of Men." The philosophy that Paul warns against is that which rejects the word of God as being verbally inspired; rejects Christ as the divine Son of God; denies the atonement, the resurrection, the all sufficiency of the Scriptures; in fact, every principle of revealed truth, that does not measure up to human reason.

The ways of God are not the ways of man (~Isaiah 55:8,9~). The plan of God is not designed to appeal to human wisdom (~1 Corinthians 1:18-31~), but is a system of faith (~2 Corinthians 5:7~), designed to prove man's confidence in God, and demands implicit obedience without question or cavil.

2. "Vain Deceit" carries the idea of leading away from the truth usually by deliberate deception. This would include efforts of many religionists, modernists, infidels, evolutionists. In secular schools and many religious institutions, instructors leave their subjects and purposefully seek to destroy the student's faith in the Bible, Christ and God. Human philosophy is vain deceit. Paul showed that Christ is sufficient in that He is King (~Colossians 1:13~; ~Colossians 3:1~); that He created all things (~Colossians 1:16-17~); that in Him we are redeemed, reconciled and made perfect (~Colossians 1:14~; ~Colossians 1:20-22~; ~Colossians 1:28~).

3. "Traditions of men." This would include all the doctrines of Catholic and Protestant denominations, as well as other world religions. To follow them is to make void the saving power of God's word (~Mark 7:7-13~). By imposing doctrines and practices unknown in the Bible, the sectarian world rejects the authority of Christ, and denies the New Testament is either binding or sufficient.

Jesus said when the Holy Spirit would come He would guide the apostles into all truth (~John 16:13~). Paul said he held back nothing profitable, but declared the whole counsel of God (~Acts 20:20~; ~Acts 20:27~. ~2 Peter 1:3~ affirms that we have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. The New Testament is referred to as the "perfect law of liberty" (~James 1:25~), and Paul declares what is already revealed is sufficient to furnish us completely (~2 Timothy 3:16-17~). This being true, the claims of direct and different revelations in any age past the apostle John are false. Catholics, Adventists, Mormons, and all denominations that claim direct operation of the Holy Spirit should take note.

In that day and this, Paul dealt a death blow against the Gnostics and mystics, the former claiming that emancipation comes through knowledge (apart from, or in addition to the gospel); the latter believing that direct knowledge of God and spiritual truth was obtained through immediate intuition. Paul affirmed that "all treasures and wisdom and knowledge" are hid in Christ (~Colossians 2:2-3~). Inasmuch, therefore, as all wisdom and knowledge are in Christ, only He can reveal them; hence, they must be received in the manner that pleased Him. This is through knowledge of His will.

A will becomes in effect after the death of the will maker (~Hebrews 9:16-17~). When a will has been probated, being sealed by the death of the testator, the conditions of the will must thereafter be kept exactly as delivered. A man who dies will not come back and make alterations in his will, nor will he give "revelations" to the possible heirs that they may do otherwise than his will states, and no sensible human being would expect such in respect to a human will. Neither can we expect such from Christ.

The will of Christ has been sealed by His death, probated in the court of heaven, and its contents revealed by the Spirit through the apostles (~John 16:13~; ~1 Corinthians 2:10-12~). We are to stand fast in their written word (~2 Thessalonians 2:15~). The only way God will bless anyone spiritually today is through provisions of His revealed will - - the New Testament. Christ will not give (He has not given) any further revelation, nor will He make changes in His will, and will condemn all who try to do so (~Revelation 22:18-19~). To follow any other way in religion is error.


"Let no man rob you" by putting on a false form of piety and humility and leading you to attempt to worship God through the invention of men, while they ignore the authority of the Head (~Colossians 2:18-19~). Where does Christ authorize the worship of angels? The creeds of men? The aesthetic worship of Catholicism and Protestantism rather than the simplicity of that prescribed in the New Testament? "Handle not, or taste" - - wholly abstain from the doctrines and commands of men (~Colossians 2:21-23~). They make a show of wisdom, but who are not acceptable to God, cannot save, and will condemn. Keep in mind that Paul wrote these warnings for the benefit of the church. In view of trends in the brotherhood today, continual warnings are necessary, lest we drift away from truth.