The Bible Says Grow --
A. We Should Know The ..........
1. Need to make disciples after conversion
2. "Multiplying Ministries" idea
3. Conversion -- time pass -- then discipleship
B. One reason he gives is "We don't present a proper plan of salvation"
C. He says -- "The evangelistic goal is not achieved until the new converts begin reproducing Christians who complete the cycle... and guarantee growth."
D. Strong distinction between disciple and Christian
I.A. We need to get people to count the cost before they come to Christ -- Luke 14:25-33
I.B. We need to guide members after baptism into involvement
I.C. Need to admonish, pray with, study with, new converts who are having trouble.
I.D. Disagree!!!!
1. Church growth terminology
a. Instead of biblical
b. "Convert" versus "Christian"
c. "Grow into a disciple"
d. "Put the
Lord on the throne of baptism"
--Are we not Christians then? (EE)
2. Convert versus Disciple
a. Convert (Epistrepho)
(1) Acts 3:19, 26
(2) Acts 9:37
(3) Lordship is recognized at conversion
b. Disciple
(1) convert/baptism
(2) To disciple (v) Gk Mathetes
(3) Matthew 28:18-20