Do Wednesdays Count?

For many years now, it has been a common practice of many churches to assemble on Wednesday evenings for a midweek Bible study. This is a time when members of the church can be with one another and devote themselves to a collective study of God's word and a period of worship. These assemblies provide a pleasant retreat from stresses of the world and give us an opportunity to recharge ourselves in a spiritual way. The Wednesday assembly is a time when we can be with our spiritual family, which is something that every Christian needs.
Of course, nothing in the Bible mentions a Wednesday assembly for the church. Technically, churches are not specifically required by the Scriptures to assemble on Wednesdays. In fact, the only references to a specific day of the week connected with an assembly of the church are references to the first day of the week, which we know as Sunday. We know that the apostle Paul gathered with other Christians at Troas to "break bread” on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7). By all appearances, the phrase "break bread” is a reference to the observation the Lord's Supper, and so churches follow this pattern and observe the Lord's Supper on the first day of each week. However, nothing is mentioned of Wednesday or the fourth day of the week.
So then, does this mean that Christians are not required to assemble with the church on Wednesdays? For the answer to this question, let us notice Hebrews 10:23-25:
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” (emphasis SED)
This passage is easy to understand, and it clearly answers our question about Wednesdays. The simple answer is this: Christians should not forsake their own assembling together. It does not matter whether the assembly is on Sunday, Wednesday, or any other day. Any time the church is assembled, all of its members should be present if possible.
So then, are we to understand that the church does not have to assemble on Wednesday nights, but Christians must not forsake Wednesday night assemblies? Yes, this is exactly what we should understand, so let us clarify these points. The church must assemble to carry out its God-given, collective works (worship, teaching, prayer, etc.). Under the guidance of the elders (Heb. 13:17), each congregation will determine when it will assemble. Obviously, a Sunday assembly is necessary for the observation of the Lord's Supper. However, a congregation may determine to assemble at other times as well in order to further worship, teach, pray, and "stimulate one another to love and good deeds.” These other times may be Wednesdays at sundown, Tuesdays at sunrise, Thursdays at noon, or any days at any times. Regardless of when the congregation determines to assemble, it is the obligation of all members to attend those assemblies.
The modern mentality of some Christians regarding the assemblies of the church is troubling. There seems to be a desire to give the minimum requirement and nothing more. To many Christians, this minimum is a matter of taking the Lord's Supper on Sunday. If they take the Lord's Supper, then they feel they have satisfied their obligations to the Lord. They have one hour (or less) per week to give to the Lord's church and nothing more. They come in, "get their tickets punched,” and then go their way. This thinking is wrong, and it needs to be changed immediately.
The truth is that Wednesdays count, and so do regular Sunday assemblies, gospel meetings, special song services, prayer meetings, or any other assemblies of the church. Forsaking any of these assemblies is equally detrimental to the individual who chooses to forsake them and to the church. Each forsaken assembly is a lost opportunity to "stimulate one another to love and good deeds” and to encourage one another. It is also a lost opportunity to worship God and be drawn closer to Him. So then, let us stop forsaking these assemblies, and let us start taking advantage of all that the Lord intended for each member of His church. Besides, if you love the Lord and His church, then why would you want to miss the assemblies?
Stacey E. Durham