Welcome to the

2008 Congregational Survey

Christiansburg Church of Christ

2008 Summer Congregational Survey



Name:  ________________________         Brothers’ Keeper Unit:  _____________


1.  I am willing to serve as (please check):


_____  Teach a class    ____  Adult       ____ Young Adult 


                                     ____ Teenage    ____ Youth           ____ Cradle Roll


_____  Lead or Assist with Youth Activities


_____  Provide Transportation for Appointments


_____  Provide Meals for Families in Need


_____  Visit Shut-ins


_____  Assist with House to House mailing and follow-up with respondents


_____  Assist with Audio / Tape Room activities (auditorium sound system & making tapes of

            sermons / lessons)


_____  Assist with Bulletin Boards and Member Picture Board


_____  Lead or Assist with Building and / or Outdoor Grounds projects


_____  Lead or Assist with placement of floral arrangements in auditorium   


_____  Usher


_____  Greeter


_____  Song Leader


_____  Sunday Morning Devotionals


_____  Sing Night Devotional


_____  Wednesday Evening Opening Prayer & Invitation


_____  Sunday Morning Announcements & Opening Prayer


_____  Reader for Lord’s Supper


_____  Serve at the Lord’s Table


_____  Serve Sunday Evening Communion


_____  Care of Communion Ware


_____  Open the Building & Prepare Lord’s Table


_____  Close the Building




2.  Please share your views on the following (if necessary, attach sheet with detailed comments):


The congregation support to preachers in training:






The congregation support to foreign mission work:






The condition of the building and any recommendations to improve facilities:






The effectiveness of the Brothers’ Keepers program in meeting / supporting needs of members:






Interest in expanding youth studies and activities to possibly include Summer Youth Leader:






Specific lessons you seek in Bible classes (include those for self and children):






Specific sermon topics for Dennis to deliver that you believe would help in your spiritual growth:






Any other issues or comments you’d like to share for the benefit of the congregation: