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Coosa Church Of Christ
Double Minded
Double Mindedness
Text: James 1:5 - 8
Intro: This passage mentions someone whom we should all be concerned for. The double minded man. This is someone that we need to ask ourselves if we are like this when it comes to our lives. If we are then we need to become singleminded.
1. First of all what is double minded?
- a. From the Greek "dipsuchos" literally - two souled
- b. We today would call this one "riding the fence"
- c. Does your audience determine your faithfulness to God?
- d. Holy with the Holy and unrighteous with the unrighteous
2. What are the characteristics of the one who is double minded?
- a. Prays - but doubts. James 1:5 - 8
- b. Hears the word but does not act upon it.James 1:22 - 25
- c. Speaks good things and bad things.James 3:8 - 12; 4:11
- d. Loves and hates. 1st John 2:9 - 11; 3:14 - 16
- e. Loves with words but not with deeds. 1st John 3:18
3. What can this person do?
- a. Draw near to God! James 4:8
- b. Change your ways! James 4:8
- c. Change your heart! James 4:8
- d. Become single-minded Phill. 3:13
Con.: Many today are miserable because they have just enough of the Lord and Just enough of the world to make them miserable! Surrender yourself to the Lord completely today!