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Family Matters

Mid-Week Worship
Wednesday, 7:00 PM

Wednesdays are a nice refresher for anyone who would like a pick-me-up in the middle of the week.  We all meet together at first in the auditorium and sing a few songs and catch up on prayer requests and announcements.  Then, most Wednesdays, we break up into classes for all ages similarly to what we do on Sunday mornings at 10.

On the last Wednesday of the month we have a singing night where people are invited to come prepared to sing or read scripture or say a  prayer.


Quiet Thoughts Besid...
September 11, 2011
September 11, 2011
Why Did Jesus Weep?
Ladies Luncheon @ Sp...
5 - 7 April 2019 T...
5th Sunday Singing -...
American Heritage G...
Interim Ministry ...
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