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Family Matters

Morning Worship
Sunday, 11:00 AM

Each Sunday morning we have an opportunity to gather together as a family and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus.  We meet on Sunday mornings because that was the day of the week that Jesus rose from the dead.  

We sing a Capella (without instruments).  This has been the tradition of the churches of Christ since before the Civil War, and we have grown to love singing together.  If you come you might be surprised at how many people are actually singing.  We love lifting our voices together in praise to our Father in heaven.

We participate in the communion each Sunday morning.  This is a celebration of the death of Christ and its ability to remove our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.  This celebration is done in light of the resurrection, without which we would have no hope in the cross.  The communion is for all who believe in Jesus and his death and resurrection, so feel free to partake with us.  Break off a piece of the cracker (unleavened bread) and eat it as it comes around.  Then take a cup of juice (fruit of the vine) and after drinking place the cup back in the tray.  The bread represents the body of Christ that was broken as your sins were placed upon his innocent self.  "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed  for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53).  The juice represents the blood of Christ that washes away our sins.  It is a reminder of our salvation that comes from Jesus being the substitute who took our place.  We deserved to die for our sins, but he died for us.

After communion we have a time of offering.  You are invited, if you like, to partner with us in this time as we contribute to give back to the Lord.  It is a form of worship remembering what God has blessed us with and giving back in turn.  The bible says God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).  The money collected allows us to continue to meet here at 201 ruins road and provides for a variety of works that the congregation is involved in to help spread the message of Jesus' grace and forgiveness to San Juan county and the world.

We will also have a sermon presented with the intent of helping us be better as we live the upcoming week than we were last week.  We seek to know God better and live lives that love him and love others more.  We also seek to study God's word, and so we preach and teach from the bible.

It is our hope that after worshiping with us you will have grown spiritually and felt a part of a family where you can belong.  We love you, and we may not have even met you yet.  It doesn't matter where you've been or what you've done, you belong here.  


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