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Winnetka Avenue Church of Christ

2% Solution

2% Solution
Sadly, I am one of those individuals that is “forced” to wear a Medic-Alert bracelet. The bright red caduceus on the jewelry stands out as a warning to those offering medical assistance in the case of an emergency that I have a medical condition that needs to be taken under consideration. Inside of the bracelet is a paper that explains I take warfarin, which is an anticoagulant. However it is used for something else as well. Consider the following definition. “Warfarin /war·fa·rin/ (wor´fah-rin) a synthetic coumarinanticoagulant administered as the sodium salt; it is also used as a rodenticide, causing fatal hemorrhaging in any mammal consuming a sufficient dose.” Did you catch the other use? Warfarin is also used as a rat killer, think D-Con. On a monthly basis I have to have my blood levels checked to make sure the warfarin contained therein has not reached lethal levels.

There is no denying the fact that Southern California is a veritable breeding ground for rats and mice. It doesn’t matter if you live in a mansion or in a hovel, the vermin will some how find a way in. In order to combat them, people resort to traps

(humane, glue and the old snap varieties)as well as poison The poison, is interesting, because upon close inspection one will find that it contains 98% corn meal, while the other 2% is warfarin, brodifacoum or arsenic. Now clearly the corn meal does not pose a problem to the rodent. It’s the 2% that will kill it!

Recently, as I was having my blood drawn I got to thinking about these things, and the correlation to those things of a spiritual nature. The vast majority of people are more than willing to accept the illogical notion that IF there is 98% good to a teaching, then surely 2% won’t kill them. After all it is only 2%?! True, but the 2% is what kills the rat isn’t it? Carry that line of thought out in a spiritual sense and see where it logically leads.

Satan, in the grand scheme of things in order to destroy man, is cunning enough to provide people with just enough truth. After all, look how he approached Jesus in order to tempt Him as recorded in Matthew 4:1-10. Satan made his teaching and application sound plausible, wholesome, desirable and acceptable. He is doing the same thing even to this day. People willingly ingest the 98% pure food, forgetting the 2% which carries the sting of death.

“Like new born babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.”

(1Peter 2:2) Focus on the word “pure”. It carries the perception of that which is free from contamination; free from foreign elements; containing nothing inappropriate or unnecessary. Switch your thinking back to the physical realm for a moment and ask yourself if you would be willing to accept 2% impurities in your daily portion of food? So why do so many accept it with respect to spiritual food?

James seems to hit the nail squarely on the head when he writes, “For whoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”

(2:10) It is imperative that we align ourselves in harmony with the revealed Wo
