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Winnetka Avenue Church of Christ

Walking On Eggshells


There are many things in life that are in all honesty not that pleasant.  At the top of the list would be such things as root canals, fingernails being scraped across a blackboard and being aroused from a sound sleep by your dog licking your face replete with “doggy breath”.  There is however something that perhaps tops even these things in degree of discomfort: That being in the presence of some one with whom it is necessary to walk on “egg shells” so as not to offend.


Let’s face it, there are times when each one of us finds self in one of those “moods”.  A mood wherein if some body looked at us cross-eyed we’d explode and take as many with us as possible.  Hopefully those times are few and far between.  However, we would be remiss if we did not recognize that for some, such an attitude seems to the rule rather than the exception.  It seems as though they are searching, longing for any little thing that will set them off.  As a result, when you are in the company of such people you feel as if you have to be constantly on the defensive.  Moving with care and caution, not unlike “walking on egg shells”.


It goes without saying that such a caustic attitude does nothing to foster positive relationships between people.  Moreover, such a mind-set serves only to enflame and destroy.  Therefore, the question arises as to who would want to be in the company of some one you had to “walk on egg shells” to be around?  You wonder what could be done to please this person, if indeed anything could really satisfy?  In all candor there are some people you will never be able to please, no matter how hard you try.


Now comes the hard part.  Regardless of how difficult the situation or the individual, we have no right to be “ugly” in return. Even though it seems that the natural inclination is to bite back in return, but as children of God there is no way we can justify sliding into such a basal attitude.  “But if you bite and devour one another, take care lest you be consumed by one another.” (Gal. 5:15)


“Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men.”  (Phil. 4:5)  Perhaps this  is the root of the problem, at least as it relates to any who might find them selves in the presence of difficult peop
