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Winnetka Avenue Church of Christ

Spiritual Couch Potato


Ours is a peculiar society so say the least, consider how we euphemistically extol things that are quite frankly wrong.  A classic example of this can be seen in a product that was marketed a few years back and could be found on shelves in department and toy stores across the country: The Couch Potato.  The novelty (it can’t be referred to as a toy, the whole purpose of the product was simply to sit on the shelf and collect dust) was nothing more than a burlap bag, stuffed with dacron, some weasely little black eyes glued on and a label “Couch Potato” was velcroed to the forehead.  It was packed to the max, and sold like hotcakes.


To be sure there are a lot who fit right in with being referred to as a “couch potato”, and have adopted a mindset of kicking back, chillin’ and letting others carry the load. Then having the audacity to complain about what has been done or what hasn’t been accomplished.  This holds true in both the physical as well as spiritual arenas.


Let’s not be naïve, there are members of the body of Christ who are spiritual “couch potatoes”.  “In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” (Prov. 14:23)  There are many among us who are content to talk a good fight, but are unwilling to get into the action.  The book of Proverbs is replete with various warnings showing the inherent danger of lethargy.  Regardless if it is physical or spiritual, sloth is not palatable.  “Laziness casts into a deep sleep.” (Prov. 19:15)  To help illustrate this point a bit further, consider that the church in Sardis thought them selves to be “alive” but it was pointed out that they were in fact “dead”. They had allowed themselves to slide into a state of becoming a spiritual “couch potato”. 


Daily we are reminded by the medical profession how vital it is to our physical well being to get up and get busy.  One must be “heart healthy”.  A sedentary life-style is the bane for too many and there is no logical reason for such to be the condition.  As it is with respect to the physical it remains true as well to the spiritual heart.


A good starting point can be seen in what Paul writes to the brethren in Ephesus.  “But speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ f
