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Winnetka Avenue Church of Christ

All The Tact Of A Sherman Tank


Tact is defined by Webster as “the ability to appreciate the delicacy of a situation and to do or say the kindest or most fitting thing.”  Considering the impact words have on us, tact is something that we could all use more of.  Solomon wrote in the tenth chapter of Proverbs, “The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked worth little.” (v 20)


“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” (Prov. 16:24)


Inasmuch as the tongue reveals what fills the heart, and we should be concerned about what our speech says about us, there should be a desire to have our words likened to a honeycomb.  Employ tact.  Realize that there is a diplomatic way of correcting and instructing, even in the most delicate situations.  Sadly, there are some who take great pride in their bluntness.  Displaying all the tact of a Sherman tank.  Letting it fly, without considering the residual fallout. One only needs to consider the meaning of the word blunt to comprehend the power behind it.  Blunt means, “dull, slow to understand, abrupt and lacking feeling.”  Bluntness cuts both ways, doesn’t it?


Pay close attention to the great amount of wisdom seen in the following two passages of Scripture. “Do you see a man hasty in his words?  There is more hope for the fool than for him.” (Prov. 29:20)  “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” (James 1:19)  Both Solomon and James understood the need for the individual to put some time into the way in which to communicate with others.  In this age of instant access to communication modes, it is abundantly clear that oft times we are guilty of not only putting our foot into our mouth, but biting down!


Tact does not mean compromise.
