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Comments on the above debate

"You had an amazing amount of deadly ammunition trained on the right spot all the time." Cled E. Wallace

"I have read carefully the Neal-Wallace debate. I thought the oral discussion at Winchester was second to none. I must say now, since reading the debate, that it is the best work by far known to me. I believe it is the most perfect negative I have ever read. I prize the book and sincerely hope it will have a wide distribution. I f I am judge of delicious fruit, I must say that the negative is a 'peach." I believe it will crush the theory when it is read sincerely." B. L. Douthitt

"You completely demolished the position of your opponent. You ably defended the cause you represented." B. C. Goodpasture

"I trust the debate will have a wide circulation. I t will save those who read it from the Boll theory, and I trust, reclaim many who have embraced the false doctrine taught by that cult. The debate can but do good; and when you have ceased to participate in the work of the Master by personally appearing before the people, the book will live and preach. It is a fine piece of work. Every preacher in the church should have a copy; elders should read it; in short, I would rejoice to see a copy in every Christian home, and then in the hands of all who have embraced any form of Russellism." C. R. Nichol

