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Foy E. Wallace, Jr. vs Sam P. Jones (Christian Church - Instrumental music)
September 8, 1932
Moundsville, West Virginia

(By F. B. Srygley)

Aug. 16-20.

Cause of the debate. Jones came to Moundsville and tried to split the church. Jones wanted to debate the music question. Jones made the conditions almost impossible for a debate. His demands were: the church of Christ had to pay for use of the location (Tabernacle); $50 for traveling expenses; $100 for 5 nights debate. Jones' pet phrase was "Put up or shut up." The church of Christ "put up."

Jones' argument I: The fact instrumental music is natural or a God given talent, in the same class with thinking, speaking, and singing, approves its use in the public, as well as the private worship of the church today.

Wallace answers I: That being true it would not have been necessary for God to give any instruction on the subject of worship; but he could have said, "Act natural!" We walk by faith and not by natural inclinations, and that this position would approve the worship of the Jew, the Catholic, or even pagan worship.

Jones' argument II: The fact that God commanded and endorsed it's use in his worship before and during the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai approves its use in Christian worship today.

Wallace answers II: Bro. Wallace showed that animal sacrifice was before the giving of the law, but that Jones would not contend for animal sacrifice.

Jones' argument III: The fact that God commanded and endorsed its use in the worship of the Jews, approves its use in Christian worship today.

Wallace answers III: They burned incense in the Jewish worship. Would Jones contend for the burning of incense?

Jones' argument IV: He contended psallo had undergone no change from its root meaning.

Wallace answers IV: This is right. You cannot psallo without using some instrument. Paul had named the instrument - the human heart. The translators: 48 for King James and 101 for the Revised translate "sing and make melody in the heart." I was Jones against the worlds scholars. This was a powerful argument. Jones attempted no reply. The truth on this question was made to stand out in its beauty and power.

There were 2500-3000 people present. The behavior was good with one exception: the last night and last speech of bro. Wallace, Mrs. Jones, debater's wife arose and interfered. She said she could answer bro. Wallace's questions. Bro. Wallace quoted: "Let you women keep silence in the church." Wallace added: "Perhaps sister Jones knows that her husband does not answer questions." The moderator, bro. Srygley, asked her to be quiet, saying that bro. Wallace did not come there to debate with a woman. She quieted down and the debate ended.

Bro. R. F. S. Schmucker, McMechen, W. Va., who moderated for Jones, said he agreed with bro. Wallace on many of the important points. He said it took too much twisting for Jones to even attempt to prove his propositions. The debate was a complete success for the truth. 30-40 preachers were present. Hospitality great.

