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J. W. Towry vs J. H. Milburn (Missionary Baptist)
February 20, 1902
Ozark, Arkansas

(By J. T. Jones)

Debated near Ozark, Ark. Four subjects were debated. 1) the establishment of the church; 2) faith precedes repentance in conversion; 3) restricted communion; 4)baptism for the remission of sins.

The writer attended the debate expecting a hard fight. Milburn stands high among the Baptist as a man of education, famous as a debater and known as a regular "Campbellite killer;" but, alas, alas, bro. Towry had everything his own way from the beginning. He presented his arguments so clearly and fully, pressed them home so forcefully, and supported them so completely by the Bible that the Baptist champion (boasted by his brethren as the second best in the world) went down in defeat - a defeat so thorough and complete that it was a surprise even to our own people. To the Baptists it was more; it was a revelation.

Bro. Towry is a young man and appears younger that than he really is; he has had considerable experience in debate; he sticks close to the truth, refusing to be led off into side issues; he makes his position plain to every one, and maintains and defends it with a forceful tenacity that carries him triumphantly over every obstacle to a conclusion that convinces his hearers, even those who do not willingly accept his teaching. If you love the truth and want to see it upheld, objections overthrown, and the gospel presented as "the power of God unto salvation," hear bro. Towry.

