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J.D. Tant
Debate reports
October 5, 1922

The fight is on at Quitman, Ark. The Methodists sent one of their big men to kill out the effect of our gospel meeting. We challenged him to debate and he ran. Then the Baptists had the noted Bolin from Forth Worth. Tx., to try his hand. I got in last night just in time to hear him. I called his hand and got the Baptist church to back him up. So we plan to hold a six day debate on the difference between the church of Christ and the Baptists, beginning Nov.21st. I am fighting the battle alone and we worship in our home each Lord's day. With 500 Methodist and Baptists on the other side and my family only to represent the Lord's side, we feel lonely but have no fear. We have the Lord and his word. If I have to I will, like Elijah, fight the battle alone.

