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J. D. Tant
Debate Reports
January 5, 1922

I returned a few days ago from Tenn. where I went to debate two Primitive Baptist preachers. Both backed down. I then went to Whiteville, Tenn. and heard F.O. Howell and A.U. Nunnery for three days. I have heard much of him. I found him to be one of the ablest speakers in the church of Christ. I have heard nearly all of our leading debaters , and I am bound to classify bro. Howell among those at the top as a debater, and no congregation will make a mistake in getting him to defend their teaching. I closed my last debate for the year 1921 with John R. Clark (Miss. Bap.). Clark is among their ablest debaters and knows the Baptist doctrine. During the past month I have met Clark, Bogard, and Riley, all Miss. Bap., and am booked for two debates in January with the Adventists.

