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O. H. Tallman vs B. H. Fulkerson (Methodist)
January 24, 1907
Lexie, Tennessee

(By O. H. Tallman)

This debate was held at Lexie in Franklin Co., Tenn.

Bro. Tallman is a young man of good education and well versed in the Bible. He made a good defense of the purpose and design of baptism, and always pleading for a union of God's people along every line. Mr. Fulkerson did his utmost by jest and ridicule to keep the minds of the audience off the real issue. He is a man of fright intellect and an entertaining speaker. Bro. Tallman repeatedly challenged Mr. Mr. Fulkerson to continue the discussion. Mr. Fulkerson made the public confession that, although he believed in infant baptism, he did not feel able to defend it.

A kindly spirit was manifested throughout the discussion and we believe that much good has and will be done there in the name of the Lord. The church at Lexie began a revival with bro. Tallman preaching.

