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W. C. Todd vs J. P. Bilyeu (Baptist)
January 21, 1926
Fosterville, Tennessee

(By R. C. White)

After much planning, challenging and rejecting all experienced debaters, Mr. Bilyeu, pastor of the Baptist church at Fosterville, Tenn., agreed to meet bro.W. C. Todd, a home farmer-preacher. He had attended only one debate, but could not see the truth suffer from lack of defense. Bro. Todd is a humble, consecrated, and able preacher who commands respect from all who know him. The truth was fully upheld, the church more than satisfied. The truth was contrasted with the errors of Baptist doctrine. Most of Todd's arguments were never answered.

When bro. Todd made a strong point and drove home an invincible argument, the Baptist moderator, Francis Jackson, arose and raised some quibble or false issue. In spite of these interruptions, the people in general saw the light and much good was done. It was refreshing to see bro. Todd who knew nothing but the truth, but presented it so convincingly. Frequently Mr. Bilyeu spoke directly to the moderator of his opponent or some other preaching brother challenging the debate. Several propositions were submitted but all were rejected by Mr. Bilyeu.

Mr. Bilyeu told a story hoping to discredit bro. Todd and his people. He claimed He knew a gospel preacher who refused to baptize to person because the horse he was riding had to be returned at once. Mr. Bilyeu gave a name and address of the man who lived outside Tenn. A letter was sent to confirm the claim. The post office returned the letter and said no such man existed.

Large audiences of respectful hearers were in attendance. R.C. White moderated for bro. Todd. The Fosterville church stands ready to repeat the debate with any representative Baptist from anywhere.

