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C. M. Stubblefield vs C. H. Cayce (Primitive Baptist)
November 2, 1916
Calvert City, Kentucky

(By W. Halliday Trice)

Oct. 9-12 at Mt. Mariah Baptist Church near Calvert City, Ky.

Cayce affirmed: Alien sinners receive eternal life without conditions on their part. Cayce is a fair debater, but he does and says things one would hardly expect from a man of his ability and standing among P.B. people. Bro. Stubblefield is a good debater and did find work affirming: faith, rep. and baptism for remission of sins. The brethren were highly pleased with his work. The crowds were about 1000 and showed good order and keen appreciation. There were 14 gospel preachers present and several Baptists.

