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F. B. Srygley vs C. H. Cayce (Primitive Baptist)
January 4, 1912
Location Not Given

(By James A. Allen)

Held at the Primitive Bap. Church on 3rd Ave., South. Dec. 25-30

The good feeling and spirit of Christian fairness that prevailed in this debate has very greatly surpassed that spirit of mudslinging that occasionally prevails in such discussions. The ruling of bro. Shepherd, as moderator of bro. Srygley, in eliminating every tendency toward sarcasm or levity or personal reflection, and in endeavoring to hold the parties strictly to the propositions in debate, were so preeminently proper and fair that numbers of the Baptists themselves came to him with expressions of commendation and appreciation.

Mr. Cayce's moderator did not hold him strictly to the rules of debate, but gave him almost unlimited latitude. This put bro. Srygley at a great disadvantage. There is not, perhaps, a better debater among us than bro. Srygley; his talent for logical argumentation is unsurpassed and his ability as a speaker is equaled by few.

When discussions are conducted as this one was, they cannot help but do much and lasting good. As the waters of the sea are purified by continual agitation, so continual investigation, examination, and discussion naturally increase a knowledge of the truth. Only error is afraid to come out in the open and have the light of investigation turned upon it. Alexander Campbell, whose published debates have done enormous and untold good, use to say that "A week's debating is worth more than a month's preaching."

