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F. B. Srygley vs Green Smith (Missionary Baptist)
March 3, 1909
Dixon Springs, Illinois

(By F. B. Srygley)

My debate with Green Smith (Miss. Bap.) was at Dixon Springs, Ill., Feb.19-22. Propositions: Estab. of the church; baptism.

I asked 20 questions while he was affirming faith alone. He answered two out right and properly but of the rest he said nothing. On the question, "Is baptism a command of the gospel?" he finally answered it was. To the question, "Can one be save who willingly refused to obey a command of the gospel?" he said nothing. I asked him if he would baptize a man to whom he was preaching Jesus on the highway as Philip did the Eunuch. He said he would, and that it had been done in that Baptist Association. He said, "This is Baptist doctrine." I asked him what the people of Damascus and Jerusalem and the Gentiles did in turning to God after they repented, as recorded in Acts 26:20, and what that great number did in turning to the Lord after they believed, spoken of in Acts 11:21. To these and a great many other questions he made no reply.

Smith contended that baptism was a Christian duty, like the Lord's supper, but was unable to tell why the one had to be repeated over and over, while baptism was to be performed one time.

Altogether it was a very good debate. While Smith showed a little cowardice in saving up an old chestnut or two for his last speech, when I had not chance to reply, I did not begrudge him the little pleasure he got, since he was under the bottom all the time. I was pleased with my trip to Illinois and met some faithful brother and sisters. I found a lack of gospel preachers. "The harvest is ripe, but laborers are few."

