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Followup letter about the above debate
December 12, 1912

This is to clarify that we, the undersigned, members and officers of the church of Christ worshiping at Charlie, Tx., attended the debate held at Charlie, Tx., March 12-15 between bro. W. P. Skaggs and Mr. J. T. Lockhart (Baptist). We which to commend bro. Skaggs for his able defense of the truth in Christ Jesus. He is strong and forceful in the presentation of his arguments, yet unmerciful in the exposure of error.

Some have reported that bro. Skaggs became angry and that he refuse to meet Mr. Lockhart again. We wish to correct these false reports. Bro,. Skaggs did not at any time manifest anger and always spoke kindly of those that were opposing him, while Mr. Lockhart became so angry that he made a demonstration as if to strike bro. Skaggs with his fist. He called bro. Skaggs a liar several times. Bro. Skaggs deportment at all times was that of a Christian gentleman and as such we most heartily commend him to the brethren when needing someone to defend the truth. As to his refusing to meet Mr. Lockhart again, Mr. Lockhart boasted that he had been authorized to offer bro. Skaggs a division of time if he would stay over Sunday. Bro. Skaggs told them publicly that he accepted the challenge for another debate and was ready to sign the proposition right then and can begin the debate the next day and continue all the next week. Mr. Lockhart failed to respond.
Signed by elders: H. Tucker, L. C. Luttrell, G. H. Jones

