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J. A. Sisco vs V. E. Baston (Baptist)
August 28, 1913
Hohenwald, Tennessee

(By Henry T. King)

Hohenwald, Tenn, July 7-10.
Subjects: Baptism, apostasy, establishment of the church.

Their rulings were fair and tended to raise the discussion to a high plane of Christian dignity, which was appreciated and approved by the large audience that attended from day to day. That bro. Sisco clung to and defended the truth nobly is the conviction of all the brethren. Mr. Baston made a moderate defense of the apostasy question, but was routed from every argument. On the baptism question, bro. Sisco clung steadfastly to the scriptures, and Mr. Baston was unable to overthrow them. He made his supreme effort upon this question, for he realized that he had the sympathy of all denominations. His defense of the establishment of the church was pitiable. Bro. Sisco's effort on the establishment of the church at Pentecost was a filling climax to the debate. Good feelings prevailed.

