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W. H. Sandy vs W. M. Lendley (Missionary Baptist)
March 4, 1915
Dennis, Mississippi

(By P. W. Underwood)

Held at Dennis, Miss, Jan. 4-7

Mr. Lindley affirmed: the church was et up during the life of Christ. He said when Jesus called his disciples was the time of its beginning, Lk. 6 . Bro. Sandy had a chart with 40 verses showing the kingdom had not come before Pentecost. Mr. Lindley said these scriptures were Baptist doctrine and that Sandy was trying to push him off his platform. The truth on the design of baptism was clear. Apostasy we fully explored.

Mr. Lindley lives at Vina, Ala. and is a good reasoner with lots of confidence in himself. If better educated he would be a strong man among the Baptists. Bro. Sandy lives at Dennis. Miss. He is a very strong man and able to defend the truth.

