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A. H. Rozar vs B. L. Towery (Primitive Baptist)
January 2, 1908
Lincoln County, Tennessee

(By J. R. Bradley)

Met on Monday, Dec.16 for 4 days in Primitive Baptist church in Lincoln, Co. Tenn.

Each affirmed for two days: "The church of which I am a member is apostolic in origin, doctrine, faith and practice.

Bro. Rozar made the usual arguments our brethren make. His arguments were invincible. Mr. Towery had a lot of papers published by his brethren and a Primitive Baptist history. He read very freely from them on "Baptist succession" as he called it. Bro. Rozar reminded him and the audience that he had agreed to prove his church to be "apostolic" in origin, doctrine, faith and practice and not "historic" I these or any other respects.

Mr. Towery was very nervous and hard to please all through the debate. Bro. Razor asked several questions and Towery stopped him at once, claiming the moderator should not allow bro. Razor to ask them. Here are some of the questions: "Is the Primitive Baptist Church apostolic in name?" "Is not the P.B. church too young to be apostolic?"

"Is the washing of feet, as an ordinance of the church, apostolic in practice?" There were several others which we think should have been allowed, but we consented for Mr. Towery to omit them. He objected to my (as moderator) giving passages to bro. Razor. At the same time his sone was passing him scriptures. A Methodist preacher named Brown said, more than once, that Mr. Towery was defeated.

