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N. W. Proffitt vs W. F. Erwin (Separate Baptist)
December, 1917
Cannon County, Tennessee

(By R. H. Young)

Held Nov. 20-23 at Sanders Fork Baptist Church between Auburn and Woodbury Tenn.

Mr. Erwin boasted his ability as a debater - claiming 10 victories over us. But the Baptists were not too pleased with him and did not like his boasting.

Mr. Erwin made the usual arguments about salvation before baptism. He ignored bro. Proffitt's arguments and said a number of times that he did not believe one word bro. Proffitt said during the debate.

On apostasy, Simon the sorcerer gave Mr. Erwin trouble. He introduce him as an old hypocrite and devil and said Simon had never been converted. Bro. Proffitt showed conclusively that the preponderance of evidence was in favor of Simon having become a Christian. He showed clearly if the other Samaritans were saved, Simon was also.

Bro. Proffitt asked Erwin what produced repentance. After some delay he said, "godly or Godlike sorrow." He was then asked what produced godly sorrow. He said, "God." Then he was asked if God did it directly, independently of the word. After two days he said, Sometimes God does it directly, sometimes through the word, sometimes by the church and sometimes other ways.

Mr. Erwin said that the Jews that Peter preached to on Pentecost were not alien sinners but were saved before baptism. The bro. Profitt showed that these murderers of the Son of God were wicked sinners and in a lost condition.

Mr. Erwin repeatedly said that bro. Proffitt's position led to hell. In his last speech he said he believed bro. Proffitt's brethren would be saved and quoted Mark 16:16. He grew very sympathetic in his last speech, but little was used to answer bro. Proffitt's speeches. Mr. Erwin had bragged so much, bro. Proffitt challenged him to debate at County Line, home of Erwin. We will see. This debate did good in removing prejudice.


