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N. W. Proffitt vs W. P. Russell (Primitive Baptist)
March 28, 1907
Lafayette, Tennessee

(By N. W. Proffitt)

Held March 5-8 at Lick Branch, 5 miles north of LaFayette, Tenn.

Mr. Russell argued that the H.S. operates apart from the written or preached word. He cited John 6:63. I asserted that we were agreed that the H.S. operated, but how he operates was the issue. I asked, "How do you know the Spirit operates, if he operates apart from a medium?" Russell replied, "Why, the Spirit quickens." (John 6:63) I said, "This is also ascribed to the word." David said, "Thy word hath quickened me." (Ps.119:50) I told him that I believe the Spirit quickens, but through the word, and we know it is by the belief of the truth. Mr. Russell would never tell how the Spirit quickens.
On the proposition "eternal salvation is conditional," I read Heb. 5:8,9. He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him." I read 15-20 similar passages and referred to the conversions in Acts. But Mr. Russell said all of this was to the child of God what was already saved. He asserted there was only one step into the kingdom and God took that step for us.

On the 3rd question of apostasy he quoted from Rom. 8:33-35. "Nothing can separate us from the love of God." I agreed this is true, but we can make a shipwreck of our faith as some have done. Judas fell, 23,000 fell in the wilderness, Heb. 6:4-6 (RV). All this Russell failed to refute. I asked him this riddle: "What is it you can't have, but if you have it you can't lose it; and if you lose it, you never had it?" He said, "Your religion, I reckon." I told him, "No, it is the primitive Baptist religion." I told him, "You argued there was but one step into the kingdom, and God took it; that man could not do anything to save himself. But now you are contending that the child of God will never so far apostatize as to be lost. One of your members commits a grievous sin, and you turn him out and say he never had it. Primitive Baptist religion - see?

My affirmative on baptism for remission of sins he never touched. Mr. Russell did not seem to know when I made an argument. He avoided Mk. 16:16 and Acts 2:38. The debate drew big crowds.


