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W. Curtis Porter vs Billy Sunday Myers (Church of God)
September 10, 1953
West Franklin, Illinois

(By Hugh D. Piper)

W. Curtis Porter debated Billy Sunday Myers at West Franklin, Ill., July 21-14, 1953.

Attendance around 700 each evening. In his first speech Bro. Porter so completely showed that H.S. baptism and tongues ceased with the apostolic age, that Mr. Myers failed to even mention this in his proposition in his first speech the second night. His efforts concerning H.S. baptism were weak and disappointing. He did better on water baptism. He spent much of this time ridiculing the church of Christ.

Bro. Porter conducted himself as a gentleman and Christian, and met the issues in his usual, forceful and capable manner. The churches of this area are grateful to him for his efforts. The churches of Christ were greatly strengthened by this discussion.

