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W. Curtis Porter vs A. J. Kirkland (Baptist)
August 7, 1952
Location Unknown

(By Harold F. Savely)

Topics: Plan of salvation and apostasy. Needless to say, Mr. Kirkland and his Baptist brethren suffered crushing blows at the hands of the able soldier for the truth, bro. Porter. There were many interesting high points in the discussion, two of which I mention:

1) Mr. Kirkland made the statement, "I have never claimed to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent as my opponent does." Brother Porter later got a copy of this with Mr. Kirkland's signature and forcefully pointed out that such accounted for the perpetuation of the Baptist church.

2) To attempt to avoid the usual sinkhole for Baptists concerning the "inner-man" and "outer-man," Mr. Kirkland took the stand that salvation is twofold: "spiritual" and "legal." That is, people become "spiritually" saved at the new birth and "legally" saved at adoption. But he failed to rally, however, over the pressure brought to bear that one must , in view of that fact, be an "illicit" child after the new birth and before adoption. Also, when he was later shown when discussing apostasy, that he had given up transplanting of the "Adamic nature" to the offspring by making both the inner and out man a child of God.

