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W. Curtis Porter vs D. N. Jackson (Landmark Baptist)
December 12, 1946
St. Louis, Missouri

(By Joe Spaulding)

W. Curtis Porter met D. N. Jackson in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 18-21 on the "Baptism" and "Apostasy" issues.

Bro. Porter successfully defended the truth, and all know his ability as a debater. He took every argument from Jackson and he could not meet the truth presented by bro. Porter. Realizing his helplessness, Mr. Jackson resorted to ridicule, misrepresentation and showmanship. Yet in this respect bro. Porter was the master, for he conducted himself as a Christian gentleman. It was apparent that even the Baptist people were ashamed of Jackson's antics. Bro. Porter had a very capable moderator in Rue Porter. He did his work well. No two men could work together better than these two men. Fifty gospel preachers we present.

