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W. C. Phillips vs G. P. Gilbert (Jesus Only)
April 20, 1949
Cleveland, Tennessee

(By Buford Holt)

At Cleveland, Tenn., April 19, closed a six session debate between W.C. Phillips and G.P. Gilbert who represents the "Jesus Only" advocates.

Four propositions were: The Godhead, instrumental music, baptism of H.G., baptism according to Matt. 28:19

Mr. Gilbert made practically the same speech throughout the debate. He had much yell, but no logical argument. He made the weakest argument to sustain instrumental music I have ever heard a man make. He and his moderator felt the force of the scriptural arguments made by bro. Phillips, and they both showed defeat. I believe, without exception, Mr. Gilbert hated charts more than any man I have ever seen. He knew his people could see too much truth with the charts. He never attempted to answer one of them, although he had agreed to answer all arguments with candor and fairness. When bro. Phillips put him to a test of the spirits as per I John 4:1, he refused to answer. His people saw his weakness. We had preaching brethren from as far away as Chattanooga and Dalton, Ga. The attendance was good despite gas shortage.

