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W. C. Phillips vs L. E. Hall (Holiness)
January 31, 1924
Huntsville, Alabama

(By Will J. Cullum)

Held at Merrimack Village, Nov. 19-22, 1923 between W.C. Phillips and L.E. Hall (Holiness preacher). An interesting discussion and one that I feel will much strengthen the cause at Huntsville, Ala.

1) baptism for remission of sins.
2) Holy Ghost baptism.
3) miraculous powers.
4) impossibility of apostasy.

Bro. Phillips affirmed 1st and 3rd nights, Mr. Hall aff. 2nd and 4th nights. As can be seen, bro. Phillips, in the 3rd prop. had to affirm a negative, which he did as the only way to get Mr. Hall to debate. He was too much for Hall to handle, and Hall weakened after the first night. A clean debate. Both speakers were gentlemen. Good order and feeling prevailed in the audience.


