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H. M. Phillips vs J. E. McDonald (Baptist)
December 1, 1949
Lafayette, Tennessee

(By A. C. Grider)

LaFayette, Tenn. Nov.1949.

Pros and cons of baptism for remission of sins were debated. Bro. Phillips is an able defended to the faith. He cited this scriptures and cases of conversion that proved baptism for the remission of sins. He met every argument Mr. McDonald made on prayer, showing that none were made children of God by prayer.

Mr. McDonald did as well as anybody expected. He was very sarcastic in his references to A. Campbell. He spent most of this time talking about A. Campbell. Bro. Phillips pointed out that we never did believe nor teach anything that originated with Campbell. I believe many honest Baptists of Macon County will see that Campbell did not start the church of Christ. What bro. Phillips read from the Bible did not begin with Campbell. May the Lord bless bro. Phillips as he defends the truth in his humble way. We hope to hold other debates in Macon County.


