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H. M. Phillips vs W. C. Davis (Primitive Baptist)
December 29, 1932
Nashville, Tennessee

(By Herbert E Winkler)

Debate at Charlotte Ave. Church of Christ, Nashville, Tenn.

Mr. Davis is limited in education, yet he is very strong in debate. He speaks rapidly and knows Primitive Baptist doctrine and holds to all radical tenets to which that denomination has fallen heir. He takes some small catchy thought and then challenges opponents to answer. He dares him to say, "Yes" or "No." Bro. Phillips remained calm and won friends for the truth.

Mr. Davis made usual argument on Rom. 8:8,9 and stubbornly refused to notice bro. Phillips negative argument on this text. Bro. Phillips asked: "What benefit is the Bible to a child of God?" Mr. Davis said: "So far as eternal life is concerned, it's no use at all."

Mr. Davis, in his last speech, asked: "Mr. Phillips, do you and your brethren practice what you preach?" Bro. Phillips arose and said, "Yes." Mr. Davis said, "All right, he says they practice what they preach. Well, they preach that a child of God can so sin as to be eternally lost. Therefore, to hell with him and the entire membership of the church of Christ." And Mr. David somehow thought he had made a point. (?) Such tactics show that they are for victory and not truth. In the war of words truth and salvation of souls take a second or lower place in their hearts and minds.


