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F. L. Paisley vs Mr. Lydell (Baptist)
December 15, 1923
Lafe, Arkansas

(By Thomas T. Pack)

Debated at Lafe, Ark. Twenty-four had been baptized prior to the debate. Before there was only one member there. The general church propositions discussed

Lydell led the first two days; Paisley led the last two. Mr. Lydell did not make a single point in 4 days. He tried to set up the church during the personal ministry of Jesus and backed up to John the Baptist on the banks of Jordan. Bro. Paisley pressed him so hard on the name "Baptist Church," that he left the Bible and launched out into history. He said he could begin at Dyersburg, Tenn. and form a chain of connecting links back to John the Baptist. But bro. Paisley broke the link several times. Mr. Lydell also said that one could be saved before getting into the Baptist church. On this bro. Paisley agreed. Hence, the Baptist church is nonessential to the salvation of souls of men. Bro. Paisley's work in defense of truth was highly enjoyed and made the church stronger for the work before them.

