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W. H. Owen vs O. A. Utley (Baptist)
August, 1906
Standing Rock, Tennessee

(By W. T. Boaz)

July 4-7 at Standing Rock, in Perry Co. Tenn.

Mr. Utley is not a strong man. When bro. Owen pressed him on a point he would leave it. Bro. Owen was the opposite. Opposition brought out his powers and he would always sustain his affirmation. This was his 3rd debate, but he was careful in his statements and clear in his arguments. Mr. Utley is loose in his statements and always in trouble. Bro. Owen used Mk. 9:1 showing that Christ said the kingdom came with power, and that it would coming during the lifetime of some of those still living. He then went to Acts 1:6-8 and showed that Christ said the power would come with the H.S. Then turning to Acts 2:1-5, he found the power coming, and pressed the point that Christ said the kingdom would come when the Spirit and power came. Mr. Utley said Mk. 9:1 had not been fulfilled yet, but would be fulfilled in the end of the world, when the kingdom would come in its "glorified state." Then bro. Owen pressed him to explain how some of those present in Mk. 9:1 could still be living after almost 2000. To this Mr. Utley made no reply. This was typical of him all through the debate.

Outsiders expressed themselves as being highly pleased with bro. Owen's work. The Baptists showed signs of defeat, even Mr. Utley himself. Brethren, if Mr. Utley, of Camden, Tenn. ever gives you any trouble, remember that W.H. Owen of Henderson, Tenn. is the man to attend to him.

