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Oliver vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
May 18, 1916
Tell, Texas

(By Tice Elkins)

Debate at Tell, Tx.

The truth triumphed gloriously, though some of the Baptists claim victory. But some felt their defeat as keenly as Bogard himself. Bro. Oliver drove Bogard to the wall; made him preach two baptisms from Rom. 6:3,4. Made him say that baptism was no part of either the gospel or grace - that it was man's righteousness. And when bro. Oliver quoted Isaiah that "all man's righteousness is but as filthy rags," Bogad left that alone.

Bogard's definition of total hereditary depravity made the intelligent Baptist smile; and in debating baptism he went to English dictionaries to define "for" in Acts 2:38 - he made himself foolish.

Bogard tried to incite ill will and trouble by saying that the young men said they would knock bro. Oliver down if he did them like he did Bogard, but the young men paid him no mind. This showed his defeat and an attempt to divert people's minds in other areas.

"Campbellism" was Mr. Bogard's stock in trade, but bro. Oliver could not get him to affirm in debate that the church we belong to was started by Campbell, though this is what he believes.


