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W. L. Oliphant vs G. F. Slape (Missionary Baptist)
July 27, 1922
Snow Hill, Oklahoma

(By Lloyd C. Vandemer)

This debate was held at Snow Hill, near Blanchard, Okla. Six day debate.

Subjects: Church identity, establishment of church, depravity, design of baptism, faith only salvation, possibility of apostasy.

Bro. Oliphant won a great victory for the truth and did it in a clean, gentlemanly way. He met his opponent at every turn and completely routed him.

Mr. Slape made many admissions that were detrimental to his cause. While discussing the depravity question, he contended that sin was the cause of every death. Infants die; hence, they are sinful. Bro. Oliphant asked him if he meant to say that no one but sinners die. To this, Mr. Slape replied that such was his position. Bro. Oliphant then showed that Jesus must have been a sinner, because he died. Both Slape and his moderator, Mr. Mincey, replied that this was their contention and they were nor ashamed of it. Mr. Slape then tried to prove that Jesus was a sinner by using 2 Cor. 5:21, but the word "sin" here refers to Jesus being a "sin offering" not to sin itself. Later, being hard pressed, he denied taking this position.

All the way through the debate it was easy to see that the people were learning the truth, but this was evidenced even more at the close of the debate.

After the debate bro. Oliphant preached one sermon and 10 obeyed the gospel. At the baptizing 5 more obeyed, thus making 15 - 12 were baptized and 3 restored. We had only 12 members there. The Baptists had a large church. Among those baptized was an older lady who had been a Methodist all her life.

Brethren there: Brethren Waller, E. M. Borden and Sam L. Shultz.


