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Porter Norris vs R. N. Gray (Holiness)
July 20, 1922
Gilt Edge, Tennessee

(By E. R. Wright)

July 9-12 at Gilt Edge, Tenn., near Covington, Tenn.

Mr. Gray affirmed that water baptism I snot essential to salvation and bro. Norris denied. Mr. Gray also affirmed that believers in Christ receive the same spiritual baptism now as they did on Pentecost, with signs following.

Mr. Gray made a very good and gentlemanly defense for his side, when it is taken into consideration that anybody who will talk 30 minutes will contradict and tangle himself. For instance, he claimed, after thanking God that his sins were pardoned, that persons who did not or could not perform miracles are eternally damned. But when asked if he had this power, he said, "No." One can readily see that he preached his own funeral. Bro. Norris defended the cause in an admirable way and had little trouble handling his opponent.

This was one of the cleanest debates the writer ever listened to. Each man seemed to have the utmost respect for his opponent. The audience listened with attention and all parted with the very best wishes. Those of us from Memphis were entertained royally by the brethren.

