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John Fairs Nichols vs W. C. Swope (Methodist)
May 17, 1934
Location unknown

(By A. H. Porterfield)

John Fairs Nichols and W. C. Swope (Methodist)

For 3 nights Swope affirmed: Infant baptism, and did as good a job as any I have heard. He also did a good job of staying away from his proposition. He said infant baptism takes the place of circumcision, crossing the Red Sea and the great commission. Bro. Nichols asked 40 questions, only a few Swope tried to answer. The large audience saw his failure - also they saw his failure the 3 nights on immersion. This was the cleanest debate we have heard. Not one ugly term was used by either side. Bro. Nichols is studious and a quick thinker. He can become a useful debater.

