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C. R. Nichol On Debates
February 22, 1934

Debates properly conducted are productive of great good. I know of hundreds that have been convinced of the truth in debates. I have engaged in, when possibly they would never have been led from the false teaching of denominationalism but for the debate; but I will never knowingly engage in a debate where the opposition does not have a following, nor will I engage in a debate where there is a faithful congregation of Christians over their protest.

Would I debate with a man when I knew him to be ungentlemanly in deportment and unchaste in language? Yes, if the church he church he proposed to represent endorsed him; for it is not the man I am proposing to meet, but the doctrine he has espoused and of which he is an exponent; and bearing the endorsement of his brethren, if such he has where the debate is had, he becomes their representative, and his conduct reflects on them, not on me.

The man who loves the Lord and his cause never enters a debate with a view of serving his personal ends, or to gain a reputation. To stand before the people as a defender of the truth in an effort to teach the people the way of life is a most serious work -- the most responsible work in all the world. I think I am certain that I breathe more prayers in debate than in any same length of time in other works.

