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C. R. Nichol vs Charles E. Cooper (Digressive)
April 11, 1929
Las Cruces, New Mexico

(By Tice Elkins)

Began at Las Cruces, N. M., March 19 - 20.

Bro. Cooper challenged for 4 days but later refused to debate the last two days. So each affirmed one night. Bro. Nichol affirmed: "The curriculum of the New Testament condemns instrumental music in worship." Cooper affirmed: "Instrumental music is justified by the scriptures."

Bro. Cooper introduced Barnabas' epistles to prove the church used instruments in the early years, and quoted Barnabas; but when bro. Nichol asked fo the book, Cooper at first refused. When pressed by bro. Nichol, the book was not Barnabas, but a quotation from Barnabas in Q. E. Payne's book on music. Cooper as caught on a number of occasions. Cooper argued that the trump of God with which the dead will be awakened is a literal trump, therefore we ought to have them in the church. The harps in heaven are literal harps, therefore we ought to have them in the church.

Bro. Cooper contended that "psallo" means the play, and must be obeyed when we sing. But when asked if a flute, horn or cornet is permissible, he said it is. Bro. Nichol asked him how one can sing while he blows a horn. He made fun of this and dodged. Cooper claimed a knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, but made a mess trying to use it. He was boastful, overbearing and unfair' but he had met a man whom he could not intimidate. His defeat was felt and known by all.

I have attended many debates, and have held a few myself, but I have never seen any man more completely routed from every position than was bro. Cooper. Bro. Nichol was at his best, and he made an impression on the multitude that will not be forgotten. The cause at Las Cruces received the best advertising and greatest impetus that it has ever had, and the prospect is bright if the brethren will follow up the debate with good works. I moderated for bro. Nichol.

