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C. R. Nichol vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
December 15, 1927
Hope, Arkansas

(By J. A. Copeland)

Nov. 21-24 at Hope, Ark.

Estab. Of church, apostasy, Holy Spirit, depravity.

Mr. Bogard did very well, considering the things he had to meet; but bro. Nichol pressed him so hard on some things, I think it will take the people a long to forget it. On depravity, Bogard taught that before conversion people are by nature murderers, adulterers, liars and thieves. On apostasy he said that children of God do sometimes commit murder, adultery, lie and steal. Bro. Nichol asked what would become of them. Bogard said they were punished in the flesh for the sins they commit but would finally be saved in heaven. Bro. Nichol said: "How will God punish those who die in act of sinning?" Bogard said, "God killed them." Bro. Nichol then showed that, according to that doctrine, a man (or a woman) after conversion can get so mean that God will not let them live here on earth, but kills them and takes him to heaven.

Bro. Nichol held up another picture as a result of that doctrine. A Christian and a woman (who is not a Christian) commit adultery, someone kills them in the act. The man goes on to heaven and the woman goes down to hell. Bro. Nichol showed clearly the unscripturalness and inconsistency of such doctrine.

