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C. R. Nichol vs L. S. Ballard (Missionary Baptist)
February 24, 1927
Grapeland, Texas

(By A. M. Gary)

Feb. 1-4 at Grapeland, Tx.

Ballard aff: direct operation of the H. S., esatblishment of church, apostasy

It is usually expected of one who makes reports of a debate that he shall laud and fulminate the ability of his favorite in the debate to the highest heaven, and debase and degrade that of his opponent to the deepest depths of ignorance and infamy. I have sometimes sorely disappointed some of my debating friends in this respect in not coming up to their wishes and expectations in reporting their debates. I have never felt that it was any more right to strain my conscience in a matter of this kind than to strain it in relating any other fact or facts. The ability of bro. Nichol as a debater is so well know by the brotherhood that I need not say anything about it.

My estimate of Mr. Ballard as a Baptist debater is that he is equal to their best. I suppose most people know what it requires to be an able Baptist debater - that he must be a forceful speaker and an artful dodger and agile twister, and, above all, must possess such an illimitable degree of grit and of all as will enable him to stand up flat footed and face defeat in an air of seeming confidence like "the boy that stood on the burning deck." "This I consider a fair description of Mr. Ballard as a debater. Personally, he is quite a likeable fellow.

But I will close by saying that I have attended many debates between my brethren and the Baptists during 42 years of my religious life; but I will say, in all good conscience, that I never heard a debate in which I think victory for truth was as distinct and consummate as it was in this debate between bro. Nichol and Mr. Ballard. I was so unspeakably pleased with this debate that, before I left the grounds for my home in Houston, I arranged with these two debatants to repeat their debate in Houston some time in the latter part of April.

Preaching brethren present were: E. C. Coffman, Flavil Colley, Oscar Smith, J. B. Masey, Milo Sullivan, A. R. Holton, Fred Dennis, J. S. Daughterty, C. M. Moser, Geo. McSaleh, Hugh Miller, and J. Porter Wilhite.

