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C. R. Nichol vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
January 13, 1927
England, Arkansas

(By J. B. Griffith)

At England, Ark. Dec. 7-10, 1927

On the first day bro. Nichol affirmed: The church set up at Pentecost . I do not think I have ever heard the truth presented on this subject in a clearer or more forceful way than bro. Nichol presented it. Bogard offered no proof that the church was set up during the life of Jesus; he said it made no difference when the church was set up; he would back up and hitch on to it.

The second day Bogard affirmed: That man, since the fall, is so depraved that it is necessary for the H. S. to send some influence to the sinner's heart separate and apart from the influence of the word. Bogard made the effort of his life, but utterly failed as in the others. Some of the Baptists were disgusted at some things he said - namely, that every unconverted woman in the audience was a prostitute by nature and would be by practice were it not for the laws of society and the country. Bro. Nichol showed the falsity of this doctrine.

On the fourth day Bogard affirmed: That it is impossible for a child of God to so act that he will be lost in hell. In this, as in depravity, Bogard disgusted many people, among whom were some Baptists, by his radical assertions, which were only Baptist doctrine. Among other things he said, a child of God could commit murder, rape, get drunk and if he died in that act he would go as straight to heaven as the sunbeam comes from the sky. Bro. Nichol showed this was the doctrine of the devil and should not be taught.

If you are bothered with sectarianism, call C. R. Nichol and you will have no regrets for having so done, as he is able to defend the truth and expose error.

